by Parish Clerk 13 February 2025


Please find below some information on the resident only Household Recycling Centre (HRC) permit scheme. As part of the 2024/25 budget setting process the Peterborough City Council agreed to introduce a scheme to limit access to the HRC to Peterborough residents only.   To achieve this, we are expanding the existing electronic permitting system—currently used for vans and trailers—to include all vehicles.


Starting Monday, 24th February, the Household Recycling Centre (HRC) will be open exclusively to Peterborough residents. Residents can easily apply for a permit for their car online and this is live now, with the process taking just a few minutes. For more information or to apply please visit   Household Recycling Centre e-permits | Peterborough City Council


An extensive communications plan has been undertaken, this includes a video detailing how quick and easy the process for applying for an E permit is an includes will happen when residents arrive at the HRC. This video has been shared on social media and has received over 35,000 views, please feel free to share PCC’s posts on your own Social Media pages.


Vans and trailers have been required to apply for an electronic permit for several years and the system is very easy to use and successful in managing van and trailer usage at the HRC.  


The simple steps to apply for a car permit are detailed below:


  1. To apply for a permit residents will be required to complete the following steps: Visit to apply for a permit by providing name, address, contact details and vehicle registration. Residents can also call Peterborough Direct should they not have internet access.
  1. Once successfully submitted, the permit is issued immediately, and a unique permit number is allocated against the vehicle registration number and address. Residents will receive confirmation details of this via email.  
  1. On arrival at the HRC, the vehicle registration will be taken by the site staff and using a handheld device they will retrieve the permit details. Residents should provide proof of address on the first visit to enable staff to confirm residency at this property. Site staff will confirm that proof has been provided, and as is currently the case with van/trailer permits a visit will be logged accordingly.


Resident only permitting schemes are already operating effectively in other local authorities. Rutland County Council has a similar permit system for their residents, Nottinghamshire County and Nottingham City Councils both restricts site usage to prevent cross-boundary access. Due to non-residents of Herefordshire and Worcestershire using the Bromsgrove and Redditch Household Recycling Centres, proof of residency is now required to enter these sites in the Worcestershire County Council area demonstrating that Peterborough is not unique in addressing out of area use of recycling centres.  


We do not anticipate an impact on fly-tipping. A van/trailer permit system has been in place for several years, and investigations indicate that smaller traders, offering clearances at a lower cost than regulated businesses, lead to waste being given to unregistered waste carriers who may dispose of it illegally. These concerns are unlikely to be related to any changes in policy at the HRC.  

Armed Forces Covenant

Membership Renewals & New Applications 

Unfortunately the waiting list has temporarily closed to new applicants, due to high numbers.

Current approximate waiting list time 4+ years

Please follow the guidance below:


  • Members who are wanting to re new will be offered the opportunity first
  • New members will be emailed in order of their date of registration.
  • Please bring a current rod license, proof of address if you are claiming the Parish discount or proof of age if you are claiming a seniors discount.
  •  New applications will require 2 passport photos. Renewing members, please bring your book if this is in a good condition or 1 passport photograph. 


Hampton Angling Association Rules

All members must abide by the stated rules and regulations at all times. 
Contact Form

Please download and complete the contact details form to bring when collecting your fishing book.

HAA Club Consitution
Everything that you need to know about the Hampton Angling Association, its rules and guidelines. 

Haddon Lake 

Angling on the large lake in Haddon/Hampton Heights is strictly prohibited due to safety reasons. 

Serpentine Lake
(over 16's only)
 Tench, Roach, Rudd, Bream, Perch and Pike. 

Hampton's largest lake with depths of up to 16ft.
Very large head of Tench up to double figures, regular 100lbs plus bags seen. Roach and Rudd to around 2lb, lots of Pike to around the  20lb mark. 

Sunset Lake
(all ages)
Tench, Roach, Rudd, Skimmers, Hybrids, Perch and Pike.

 Ideal beginner’s lake mixed bags to 70lbs have been taken in matches. Roach, Rudd and Hybrids up to 2lb with Tench to 8lb and Pike to low 20lbs.

James Pond 
(all ages)
Tench, Roach, Rudd, Perch and Pike. 

Often overlooked this quiet spot has Tench to 8lb, Roach and Rudd up to 1lb. Pike over 20lb. 

AllenVale Lake 
(all ages)
Tench, Roach, Rudd, Perch and Pike. 

A relatively shallow lake with a very good head of Tench to 8lb, Roach and Rudd to 2lb and Pike size unknown as yet.

Happy Hollows
(all ages)
Tench, Roach, Rudd, Perch and Pike. 

Consisting of Two lakes in the heart of Hampton. The larger round lake has an abundance of silver fish so great for beginners and families. It also has stock of Tench to 7lb with an average of 5lb and Pike to mid doubles. The second smaller lake has a great head of Tench to 8lb, Roach and Rudd to 1lb and Pike to mid double figures. 

Fishing Times 

There is currently no night fishing permitted within Hampton (Except for HAA Bailiffs)
Please use the following for an approximate guide of Sunrise/Sunset times.

January 07:30 - 16:30
February 07:30 - 17:00 
March 07:30 - 19:30 
April 06:30 - 20:00
May 05:30 - 20:30
June 04:30 - 21:00
July 05:00 - 21:00
August 05:30 - 21:00
September 06:00 - 19:30
October 07:00 - 18:30
November 07:30 - 17:00
December 07:30 - 16:30

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