The Parish Council and Peterborough City Ward Councillors are working together to implement Traffic Regulation Orders (TRO's) within Hampton that will benefit Drivers and Pedestrians.
We have a Working Party where residents can discuss Traffic & Parking Issues, this is attended by Ward Councillors, Parish Councillors and PES Officer and helps us to all work together to deal with these issues in Hampton.
If you feel that there is a Traffic concern in your area please contact either the Ward Councillors or the Parish Clerk to discuss this.
th a smile and to your highest level of satisfaction.
Recent Traffic Regulation Orders
Legally Enforceable from the 25th November 2019
Westlake Avenue/Tinus Ave Junction
Double Yellow Lines
Stanton Square
Double Yellow Lines
Stewartby Ave
Adjacent to car park entrance
Double Yellow Lines
Ilex Close
Double Yellow Lines
Thorn Road
Double Yellow Lines
Parking on grass verges or pavements
It is not an offence to park a motor vehicle, with the exemption of a HGV, on a grass verge or pavement unless it is causing an obstruction or there is a Traffic Regulation Order (TRO) in place prohibiting it.
If there is an obstruction of the road or pavement this is the responsibility of the police to investigate and enforce.
However residents can request that a TRO be implemented on their own street or road, which can then be enforced by the PES Officer.
The PES Officer and Clerk are currently mapping all areas that may benefit from either Double or Single Yellow lines. This typically includes junctions and busy areas such as schools or shops.
20 mph Speed Limit
All of Hampton Vale and Hargate is within a 20mph zone. If you feel that drivers are not adhering to this please contact the PES Officer or Clerk to discuss the option available.