Hampton College Primary Road Safety 

The Student Council at Hampton College Primary have been busy making these excellent road safety posters. PES Officer Andy Orvis and Road Safety Officer Jenny Wright have been very active at the school, talking to parents at parents evening and will soon be taking year 4's on a walk to teach them how to safely walk to and from school.

Parish Survey Results 

Thank you to all residents who responded and took part in the Parish Survey. This will enable us to discuss next years budget and plan future projects to make Hampton even better! 
Parish Survey Results

Parish Council Adopted Minutes 

Hampton Parish Council 

The Parish Council exists to represent the interests of the whole of Hampton Vale and Hampton Hargate Parish.

 The Council is non-party political and is made up of Parish Councillors who are local residents. Considering local residents’ concerns, needs and aspirations is at the heart of the Parish Council’s work and ensuring effective communication within and beyond the Parish is key.  Hampton Parish Council therefore very much welcomes questions, opinions and concerns from residents, and values their presence at its Parish Council meetings.

The Parish Council’s main role is to ensure that the delivery of services to meet local needs is maintained and enhanced; and that the quality of life in the community and the environment of the Parish are improved. It’s true to say that on their own, parish councils have limited powers to make executive decisions but they do have the ability to negotiate with, and the power to influence, other organisations that do make the final decisions, such as other tiers of local government, health authorities, the police etc.

The funds to meet the Parish Council’s expenditure are raised via the precept. The precept is the Parish Council’s share of the council tax The annual precept is agreed each year by the Parish Council and is the amount which it considers is required to serve the needs of the Parish, including meeting its budgeted expenditure.. The precept demand goes to the billing authority, Peterborough City Council, which collects the tax for parish councils.

Key Expenditure Year 2018-2019 

Staff Costs (inc Salary, Tax, NI & Pension)                                    £20,992
Prevention and Enforcement Service                                            £25,000
Lengthsmen                                                                                                    £44,113
Grants Given                                                                                                  £5582.00
S137 (additional payments to benefit the community)      £6092.00
General Office Costs                                                                                 £4631.00

Internal Auditor Report 

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Annual Governance & Review 

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Public Notice 

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